Results for 'Dumitru Petru Iga'

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  1.  20
    Basic principles of the strategy concerning the elucidation of configuration of chiral centers of linear isomeric aldohexoses.Dumitru Petru Iga - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (1):31-41.
    Fischer’s approach for structure elucidation of linear aldohexoses is still the most widespread alternative in textbooks for carbohydrates. However, in post-Fischer era, a series of remarkable discoveries and inventions were made in different laboratories, and by their use a more comprehensive and coherent strategy for structure elucidation of linear isomeric aldohexoses can be elaborated. Fischer used the exceptional properties of d-mannose for the knowledge of configuration of C-2 and called it the key of the gate to stereochemistry. We bring the (...)
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    Developmental Constraints on Learning Artificial Grammars with Fixed, Flexible and Free Word Order.Iga Nowak & Giosuè Baggio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Approximate Method to Evaluate Reliability of Complex Networks.Petru Caşcaval - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    “Me” versus “We” in moral dilemmas: Group composition and social influence effects on group utilitarianism.Petru Lucian Curşeu, Oana C. Fodor, Anișoara A. Pavelea & Nicoleta Meslec - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (4):810-823.
    The paper is one of the first empirical attempts that builds on the moral dilemmas and group rationality literature to explore the way in which group composition with respect to group members’ individual choices in moral dilemmas and social influence processes impact on group moral choices. First individually and then, in small groups, 221 participants were asked to decide on 10 moral dilemmas. Our results show that emergent group level utilitarianism is higher than the average individual utilitarianism, yet, lower than (...)
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  5. What to Say When There Is Nothing to Talk about.Mircea Dumitru & Frederick Kroon - 2008 - Critica 40 (120):97-109.
    In Reference without Referents, Mark Sainsbury aims to provide an account of reference that honours the common-sense view that sentences containing empty names like "Vulcan" and "Santa Claus" are entirely intelligible, and that many such sentences -"Vulcan doesn't exist", "Many children believe that Santa Claus will give them presents at Christmas", etc.- are literally true. Sainsbury's account endorses the Davidsonian program in the theory of meaning, and combines this with a commitment to Negative Free Logic, which holds that all simple (...)
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    Web Service Modeling Ontology.Dumitru Roman, Uwe Keller, Holger Lausen, Jos de Bruijn, Rubén Lara, Michael Stollberg, Axel Polleres, Cristina Feier, Cristoph Bussler & Dieter Fensel - 2005 - Applied ontology 1 (1):77-106.
    The potential to achieve dynamic, scalable and cost-effective marketplaces and eCommerce solutions has driven recent research efforts towards so-called Semantic Web Services that are enriching Web services with machine-processable semantics. To this end, the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) provides the conceptual underpinning and a formal language for semantically describing all relevant aspects of Web services in order to facilitate the automatization of discovering, combining and invoking electronic services over the Web. In this paper we describe the overall structure of (...)
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  7. Equal Minds behind the Veil of Ignorance.Speranta Dumitru - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 1:127-135.
    Rawls' original position is a thought experiment by which we are asked to imagine ourselves as rational agents choosing the principles of justice under specific informational and motivational constraints. In this paper, I am concerned only with the informational constraints and I shall argue that the way Rawls designed them reveals an implausible conception of mind and knowledge. This conception, of a mind separable from knowledge, as well as one of its correlates which I will call epistemic egalitarianism, is not (...)
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  8. Ultimul interviu al lui Constantin Noica.Petru Cardu - 1993 - Dilema 1 (31):14-15.
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  9. Dialectica naturii și gîndirea teoretică modernă: dialog asupra lumii fizice.Dumitru Daba - 1981 - Timișoara: "Facla".
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    The philosophy of nature and the drama of modern physics.Dumitru Daba - 2009 - Timișoara: Editura Politehnica.
  11. Man's Existence in the Realm of Values in Man Within His Life-World. Contributions to Phenomenology by Scholars from East-Central Europe.Dumitru Ghise - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 27:253-268.
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    Some Aspects of the Relationship between Basic Human Values and Religiosity in Romania.Petru Iluţ & Laura Nistor - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):159-176.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology Jahrgang: 8 Heft: 2 Seiten: 159-176.
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    Logică și filosofie: restanțe, radiografii, retrospective.Petru Ioan - 1996 - Iași: Institutul European.
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  14. Începuturi ale logicii românesti.Petru Lucaciu - 1970 - Bucureşti,: Editura ştiinţifică.
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  15. The harmonizing influence of God in the understanding of JA Comenius.E. Petru - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (2-3):99-106.
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  16. În capcana instituţiilor fragile.Dumitru Sandu - 2002 - Dilema 468:7.
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    Scrieri pedagogice.Dumitru Theodosiu & Muster - 1981 - București: Editura Didactică și Pedagogică. Edited by Dumitru Muster.
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    Etnofrumosul, sau, Cazul Mărie.Petru Ursache - 2014 - Cluj-Napoca: Eikon.
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    Contract enforcement and the pattern of trade.Dumitru Văduva - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
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    Justice, the law of contracts, and the economics of law.Dumitru Văduva - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
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    On the Moral Irrelevance of a Global Basic Structure: Prospects for a Satisficing Sufficientarian Theory of Global Justice.Adelin Costin Dumitru - 2017 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):233-264.
    Many important criticisms to the possibility of global justice are advanced following one or another operationalization of the Rawlsian concept of a basic structure. The purpose of this paper is twofold: i) to show that the existence of a global basic structure is irrelevant from the standpoint of justice; ii) to set the stage for a cosmopolitan theory of global justice that employs satisficing sufficientarianism as a distributive principle. One of the main contentions is that the institutional-interactional cut in the (...)
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    Enfranchising refugees in a non-ideal world.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-25.
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  23. Bridging Social Circles: Need for Cognition, Prejudicial Judgments, and Personal Social Network Characteristics.Petru L. Curşeu & Jeroen P. de Jong - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Minority Dissent and Social Acceptance in Collaborative Learning Groups.L. Curşeu Petru, G. L. Schruijer Sandra & C. Fodor Oana - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Genomic Fabric Perspective on the Transcriptome Between Universal Quantifiers and Personalized Genomic Medicine.Dumitru Andrei Iacobas - 2016 - Biological Theory 11 (3):123-137.
    Numerous groups race to discover the gene biomarker whose alteration alone is indicative of a particular disease in all humans. Biomarkers are selected from the most frequently altered genes in large population cohorts. However, thousands of other genes are simultaneously affected, and, in each person, the same disease results from a unique, never-repeatable combination of gene alterations. Therefore, our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) switches the focus from the alteration of one particular gene to the overall change in selected groups of (...)
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    Infinite Lifespans, Terraforming Planets, And Intergenerational Justice.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2020 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):75-86.
    When it comes to specifying the moral duties we bear towards future generations, most political philosophers position themselves on what could be regarded as a safe ground. A variant of the Lockean proviso is commonplace in the literature on intergenerational justice, taking the form of an obligation to bestow upon future people a minimum of goods necessary for reaching a certain threshold of well-being (Meyer, 2017). Furthermore, even this minimum is often frowned upon, given the non-identity problem and the challenges (...)
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    Decodificarea logigramei în iconicul filozofic a lui Petre Țuțea.Petru Ababii - 2010 - Chișinău: PRAG-3. Edited by Petre Țuțea.
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    The social and ethical conceptions of Descartes.Petru Comarnesco - 1941 - Ethics 52 (4):493-503.
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    Approximant of dodecagonal quasicrystal formed in Mn–Si–V alloy.Hayato Iga, Marek Mihalkovič & Tsutomu Ishimasa - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (19-21):2624-2633.
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    Axiomatica: studiu morfo-logic.Petru Ioan - 1980 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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  31. Mihail Dragomirescu: privire critică asupra sistemului filosofic și estetic.Dumitru Matei - 1974 - București: Editura științifică.
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    Israel Knohl Mesia dinainte de Iisus. Slujitorul pãtimitor de la Marea Moartã/ Mesia Before Jesus. The Suffering Servant from the Dead Sea.Petru Moldovan - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):246-247.
    Israel Knohl Mesia dinainte de Iisus. Slujitorul pãtimitor de la Marea Moartã Traducere de Ana-Elena Ilinca, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2001.
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    Ioan Vasile Leb, Biserica în actiune.Petru Moldovan - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (2):210-211.
    Ioan Vasile Leb, Biserica în actiune, Ed. Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2001.
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    D.D. Roșca și Hegel.Dumitru D. Roșca - 1995 - [Bucharest]: Editura Viitorul Românesc. Edited by Vasile Muscă.
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    Pentru o noua teorie literara.Dumitru Tiutiuca - 2005 - Iași: Editura Timpul.
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    Deconstructing the Constituency of the Public Reason. Taking Systematic Conspiracy Theorists out of the Legitimation Pool.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (4).
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  37. “Care drain”. Explaining bias in theorizing women’s migration.Speranta Dumitru - 2016 - Romanian Journal of Society and Politics 11 (2):7-24.
    Migrant women are often stereotyped. Some scholars associate the feminization of migration with domestic work and criticize the “care drain” as a new form of imperialism that the First World imposes on the Third World. However, migrant women employed as domestic workers in Northern America and Europe represent only 2% of migrant women worldwide and cannot be seen as characterizing the “feminization of migration”. Why are migrant domestic workers overestimated? This paper explores two possible sources of bias. The first is (...)
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    Cognitive synergy in groups and group-to-individual transfer of decision-making competencies.Petru L. Curşeu, Nicoleta Meslec, Helen Pluut & Gerardus J. M. Lucas - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    About Hospitality And Tolerance In South-Eastern Europe.Petru Bejan - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (26):36-46.
    We almost can’t find among the countries of the East one not to praise or to display as own virtues – particular or specific – hospitality and tolerance. In fact, to project such qualities in a privileged register of categories is a part of a quasi-generalized imagologic strategy meant to valorize the positive character of some traits – ethnic, national or belonging to a group. Each country needs a favorable mythology, luxuriant in fairytales, heroes, acts of bravery, one in which (...)
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    Deleuze et la Métaphore du Nomade.Petru Bejan - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 21:61-68.
    L'intention du texte ci-dessous est de suivre la manière dont la métaphore assume une condition "nomade". Je ne poursuis pas, ce faisant, une appropriation des occurrences sémantiques d'un vocable revendiqué par le discours postmoderne, encore moins lui attacher abusivement des significations étrangères ou inactuelles. Le meilleur exemple de prise en charge du "nomadisme" dans le champ métaphorique est précisément la figure classique, dans l'acception de Deleuze, du "nomade" - preuve éloquente de ce que la "chasse" à la métaphore dans le (...)
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  41. Le Beau – Actes du XXXVIe Congrès de l’Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française (ASPLF), Iaşi, 23-27 août 2016.Petru Bejan & Daniel Schulthess (eds.) - 2018 - Editura Universităţii A. I. Cuza.
    Conference Proceedings (ASPLF Conference “Le Beau” in Iaşi, Romania, August 23-27, 2016). -/- Sections: 1. Le beau dans l'histoire de la philosophie; 2. Le beau à travers les cultures; 3. Beauté de la pensée et beauté du langage; 4. Ontologie et métaphysique du beau; 5. Le beau dans la nature et dans la société; 6. Beauté, éthique, politique; 7. Les catégories esthétiques; 8. L'esthétique et la vie quotidienne; 9. Renouvellement et perspectives de l'esthétique. -/- Conference sections: 1. The Beautiful in (...)
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    (1 other version)ƒ‐Multipliers and the localization of hilbert algebras.Dumitru Buşneag - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (4):331-338.
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    Conservative extension of polyadic MV-algebras to polyadic pavelka algebras.Dumitru Daniel Drăgulici - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (5):601-613.
    In this paper we prove polyadic counterparts of the Hájek, Paris and Shepherdson's conservative extension theorems of Łukasiewicz predicate logic to rational Pavelka predicate logic. We also discuss the algebraic correspondents of the provability and truth degree for polyadic MV-algebras and prove a representation theorem similar to the one for polyadic Pavelka algebras.
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    Jurnal de idei: fragmente filosofice și literare.Dumitru Isac - 2003 - Cluj-Napoca: Editura "Grinta". Edited by Ionuț Isac & Vasile Gogea.
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    Moshe Halbertal, Ezoterism si exoterism. Restrictiile misterului in traditia iudaica/ Concealment and Revelation.Petru Moldovan - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):171-172.
    Moshe Halbertal, Ezoterism si exoterism. Restrictiile misterului in traditia iudaica Ed. Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, traducere din limba engleza de Roxana Havrici.
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    Moshe Idel, Maimonides and the Jewish Mystic.Petru Moldovan - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (2):215-218.
    Moshe Idel, Maimonides and the Jewish Mystic, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2001.
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    Moshe Idel, Perfectiuni care absorb: Cabala si interpretare/ Absorbisg Perfections: Kabbalah and Interpretation.Petru Moldovan - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):173-175.
    Moshe Idel, Perfectiuni care absorb: Cabala si interpretare Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 2004, prefata de Harold Bloom, traducere de Horia Popescu.
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    Mitzvot, lumi, comunitate în gândirea hasidicã moderna/ Mitzvot, Worlds, and Community in Modern Hasidic Thinking.Petru Moldovan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):158-167.
    Moshe Idel considers that the emergence of Hasidism is not the result of the confrontation between ancient and modern orientations. In M. Idel’s interpretation of the Hasidic phenomenon, a central point is ascribed to the inevitable encounter of the Hasidim masters with a variety of mystic literature. I have chosen to analyze three extremely complex and very important concepts regarding Jewish mystic phenomenon: mitzvoth, worlds, and community. In discussing these concepts I have tried to emphasize their practical and very important (...)
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    Language-guided visual processing affects reasoning: The role of referential and spatial anchoring.Magda L. Dumitru, Gitte H. Joergensen, Alice G. Cruickshank & Gerry T. M. Altmann - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):562-571.
    Language is more than a source of information for accessing higher-order conceptual knowledge. Indeed, language may determine how people perceive and interpret visual stimuli. Visual processing in linguistic contexts, for instance, mirrors language processing and happens incrementally, rather than through variously-oriented fixations over a particular scene. The consequences of this atypical visual processing are yet to be determined. Here, we investigated the integration of visual and linguistic input during a reasoning task. Participants listened to sentences containing conjunctions or disjunctions and (...)
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  50. Qu'est-ce que le nationalisme methodologique? Essai de typologie.Speranta Dumitru - 2014 - Raisons Politiques 54 (2):9-22.
    This article argues that there are at least three different versions of methodological nationalism: state-centrism (unjustified supremacy granted to the nation-state), territorialism (understanding space as divided in territories), and groupism (equating society with the nation-state’s society). If these three versions are logically distinct, as it will be shown, the typology can serve as a tool to weight the influence of methodological nationalism in the social sciences. The paper has three sections arguing that 1) the three versions are all present in (...)
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